Growing up I honestly didn’t have a lot of things to be upset about. I am not saying this to brag. There are occasions in my life now where I feel I may have been too sheltered as a child. By not experiencing much anger and sadness I didn’t have the knowledge to cope with these feelings when they did come about in my early twenties. Adjusting to adult responsibilities can be difficult enough but let’s add in raw emotions. Do you think you express yourself effectively in a healthy way?
Unfortunately, it is common in the Black community to suffer in silence in terms of mental health. You may be embarrassed to admit feelings of loneliness or maybe you’re too concerned with constantly appearing strong. My personal problematic favorite is “praying away” unpleasant but natural responses that our emotions give us. As Black people we have historical trauma that cannot be healed unless we address what is truly going on in our bodies and minds. And that is why Milwaukee native, Joel Boyd, created the web series, Sad-Ass Black Folk.

Sad-Ass Black Folk is a comedic show serving as a platform for information, community and conversation about mental health. Following 8 Los Angeles misfits, we are able to witness job, parental and social struggles of being young and Black in this country. With season 1 complete, here are 3 reasons you should binge watch all 8 episodes right this second.
1. It is HILARIOUS. Bringing light to something as serious as mental health can be challenging but Joel Boyd and co-creator Neima Patterson do a wonderful job discussing severe topics humorously. By giving us awkward situations and dialogue we can appreciate, Sad-Ass Black Folk sets itself apart. Boyd and Patterson’s unpredictable writing give us Donald Glover vibes as the cast of acting newcomers courageously display their words and emotions.
2. It is REAL. This show does not shy away from real tragedies. From anger management to suicide attempts, Sad-Ass Black Folk is going there. With live commentary and talk backs, you can learn more about the show, its creators and actors in real time.
3. SUPPORT is important. There is no way to heal without support. We can lean on one another if we allow ourselves to open up and become a closer community. By supporting Sad-Ass Black Folk you are encouraging the growth of Black talent. As we still lack positive representation in art and media, shows like this can change our narrative.
As you gather with your families for the holidays be sure to truly check on them, ask how they are feeling, share this web series and continue your mental wellness journey.
Watch Sad-Ass Black Folk here.

Follow the show on social media for helpful tips and information. @SadAssBlackFolk